What is The Latest?
Hello there; my name’s Justin Gerhardt. I’m a writer and the creator of Holy Ghost Stories, a storytelling podcast fueled by the luminescent, haunting stories of the Old Testament.
After 20 years of preaching ministry, I set off in January of 2021 to begin a season of global nomadism with my family. We moved slowly around the world for a couple of years, seeing what God’s up to in places like Zagreb, Cape Town, Londonderry, Cairo, and Belfast. Recently, we landed in the Ozarks and I think we’ll call this place home for a while.
Every couple of weeks, I share some fascinating info about the stories I tell in Holy Ghost Stories, let you in on current projects and adventures, and tell you about cool stuff I’ve come across online or in real life.
Thanks for joining me!
A Sample of Holy Ghost Stories: