In two months, my family and I will fly to Dublin and spend a month living in Derry, Northern Ireland. Here are some quick answers to questions you may have:
Why are you going?
I’m teaming up with Adam Montgomery, a Derry-based songwriter, to bring a series of Holy Ghost Stories live shows to churches throughout the North and South of Ireland. This will be our second tour in Ireland.

What story will you be telling in these shows?
I’m very excited to be sharing the story of Creation. Adam and our other songwriter, Eve, are writing music to accompany this epic story and bring attendees into a moment with Yahweh in the splendor of Eden.
Who will come to these shows?
This will be our second Ireland tour with HGS, so we have a good sense of who’ll be in these rooms. Most of the attendees will be Christians who are a part of each of the churches. In the increasingly post-Christian Irish landscape, it’s a joy to be able to edify these belivers by lighting the fires of the Old Stories.
Also, most of these rooms will contain folks who are not Christians. A story is a powerful way to meet Yahweh.
Is your whole family traveling with you?
Yes. For two reasons: 1. We do our best to travel as a flock. Keeps us connected to one another and to Him. 2. Jennifer (my wife) will be functioning in her usual role as tour manager and also will have a role in the shows. Eve (my daughter) will serve as a primary vocalist and co-writer of one or two of the songs. London (my oldest daughter) isn’t involved in the shows, but with this being her last year at home, time is precious.
Why are you staying for a month?
The logistics of a tour are quite challenging—especially so when you’re partnering with multiple churches and arranging dates that work with their schedules. Planning to be in Ireland for a month gives a generous window in which to plan show dates, while allowing us to arrange travel far enough in advance to make sure tickets and lodging are affordable.
How are you paying for this?
All of these shows are offered for free to those who attend, so the cost must be accounted for in other ways. For the 2023 tour, Jennifer and I donated the money from a house sale to fund the trip. This time, the Holy Ghost Stories community is coming together to cover the costs. It’s been so encouraging to see support coming in from listeners who want more people to experience the faith-shaping magic of story and song.
How much will it cost?
$15,400 will cover airfare, lodging, transportation, and a portion of the food costs. It will also make sure the artists and musicans involved get paid (there are 7 in all), though most of them are offering their work at a significantly discounted rate. For an international tour involving multiple artists, this cost is wildly low—I’m thrilled that we can do it for this amount. (Our family is paying for my daughter London’s airfare and food, as she’s not directly involved in the show.)
How much of that have you raised so far?
$11,304.12! We’re so grateful for what’s been given, and we’re praying for Yahweh to complete what He’s started.
Now a question from me:
Would you jump in as 2024 comes to a close, and be a part of funding the final $4,095.88? This is how we do things in the Kingdom—all of us offering what we can and doing things together we could never do apart. Praise God for the beauty of partnership!