Hello! I have a quick heads-up for you: I’ll be sharing a big announcement tomorrow about something coming this Spring, and I’ll be asking you to give to Hazefire Studios to make it happen.
If you subscribe to these emails, you listen to Holy Ghost Stories, and if you listen to Holy Ghost Stories, you listen for free. Everybody does. That’s the way we’ve designed it. We love it that way. But creating HGS costs money, and part of listening is stepping up to help when you can so that more people get to listen and the world continues to experience the faith-shaping magic stories that testify to the goodness of Yahweh.
With that in mind, I’d just ask tonight that you take 38 seconds and pray that Yahweh would show you whether (and how) He’d like you to partner with us.
The opportunity before us is thrilling, and the whole thing will take $15,400 to pull off. We can do it together. He wants to enable us to do it together.
That’s it for now. Tomorrow I’ll let you know what’s coming, and also pull back the curtain on some other exciting developments!