Hello, friends. I’m thrilled to let you know that the Holy Ghost Stories Live crew and I are headed to Franklin, TN for an Exodus-themed show at Cool Springs Conference Center on Friday February 21. This will be a stand-alone show, but we’ll be supporting Healing Hands International’s “Women of Hope Weekend”—a two-day conference designed to encourage women to live lives of Hope in Christ. Anyone (men or women) can purchase a ticket to the show that Friday night, and if you’re a woman and would like to attend the conference, the show will be included in the price of your ticket.
Usually, we roll with a more classical music, cello-y sort of vibe in these shows. You know—like this:
However, this time we’re going for a stompy-er, jangly-er sound. Since the story we’ll tell is the Red Sea crossing, we’re letting rip the joyful sounds of freedom. Fiddle, bass drum, banjo—the works.
To give you a feel, here’s one of the songs we’ll include:
I promise: you’ve never experienced the Exodus quite like this—it’s going to be So Much Fun. We’ve got a couple of fabulous vocalists joining us, some serious talent on keys and drums and guitar—oh, and our fiddle player just got done touring with for KING + COUNTRY in their 2024 Christmas show. She’s good.

All of this to say, if you’re anywhere close to Nashville (or can get there) on February 21, you should definitely join us.
Here’s the link for tickets. See you there!
In Other News
The Happiest Saddest People is finding its way into ears and hearts all over the country, and it’s been a joy to hear feedback on how this story is impacting folks. If you’ve listened, I’d love to hear your impressions—just reply to this email and I’ll share it with the Hazefire Studios team.
Here’s some of the feedback we’ve received so far:
“I told myself I’d sneak a 5-minute preview in. Within the first 2 minjutes, I knew I’d be finishing the episode and wishing to listen to the next.”
“Incredible, beautiful, and deeply moving. I’ve found myself both laughing and crying more times than I can count.”
“I was not prepared for how much this podcast would affect me.”
“Gerhardt holds loss and longing in one hand, light and life in the other, and blends them in perfect harmony.”
“This is diving down to the very bottom of what it means to be a human, and learning from a trusted friend how to breathe and find the light once you’re down there.”
“With the first line I was immersed in another world—it grabbed my heart immediately.”
Haven’t listened yet? What are you waiting for?? Here’s the link—we do hope it blesses you.
3 Cool Things, Yea 4
Salmon Hats, Again - Orcas man—they’re a whole thing.
What Is Time? - Love me some Kurzgesagt, and this 12 minute exploration of the concept of time is no exception. (I’m writing a lot about Creation right now for the HGS Ireland tour, and I’m in the weeds with all the Whats and Hows and Whens of time.) I would be delighted if the folks at Kurzgesagt found Jesus, but until then it’s fascinating to layer their explainers over what I know to be metaphysically true.
My Salt Cellar - I switched to cooking with kosher salt more than a decade ago and I’ve never looked back. But since it’s a pinch-and-sprinkle—rather than an out-of-the-shaker—kind of thing, you need a container to grab your salt from. BUT. Said container must be the perfect size (not too big, not too small), easy to open, and (at least mildly) attractive. Not an easy thing to find. This one, though: it’s all aces. Oh, but get rid of that goofy little spoon. If you use that you’re doing it wrong.
The Red Sea Show - Seriously, you should join us on February 21st. It’s gonna be a party.
That’s the Latest! Have a great weekend, folks.
I’ll be there!